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Atlox™ SemSera

Atlox SemSera is the next generation in seed binder technology for built-in seed treatment formulations. Its combination of two different polymers results in a hard yet flexible coating forming on the seed it is applied to. Atlox SemSera improves dust off and germination without compromising the wet and dry flow of the seed when compared to a commercial binder. These improvements mean Atlox SemSera can advance many seed treatment formulations giving increased confidence to farmers that their seeds will produce high yields.
Atlox SemSera
Product details

Chemical name

  • Styrene acrylic emulsion polymer

Physical form at 25°C

  • Liquid

REACH status

  • Please contact us for further details

EPA status

  • 180.960


  • Seed binder


  • Seed coatings

Surfactant type

  • N/A
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