Product validation centre
Croda Agriculture's Product Validation Centre, located in Holambra near Sao Paolo, Brazil, is dedicated to serving the agrichemical market by validating and substantiating the claims and results obtained in our formulations, microbiology and seed treatment laboratories.
Watch the two videos to gain insight on this exciting capability!
Product Validation Centre
In this video you will hear our Directors and Managers in Latin America introduce the new Croda Agriculture investment.
Learn more about these facilities from our technical experts

What do we do at the Product Validation Centre?
1. Prepare plant growth medium

2. Sow and grow plants of interest in our greenhouses

3. Treat plants with agrochemical products

4. Evaluate the performance and effect of treatments
After application plants are returned to the greenhouses, where the effect of the products on the growth and development of the plants is evaluated including measurements on control efficacy, phytotoxicity, amongst other factors. The greenhouses have environmental sensors connected to software, allowing data to be collected in real time and capture experimental data for the duration of the study including solar radiation incident on the plants, humidity and temperature of the sun and air, and electrical conductivity of the soil.
We have here two separate greenhouses and independent sensors, which allows us to perform different tests at the same time without creating interference between them. The sensors are also used for activating air recirculation system, via padfan system, and opening and closing the shadow roof, in case the temperature is too high. With this, ideal conditions for plant growth can be guaranteed. Both greenhouses are also equipped with automated two-line spray bars, which allow irrigation, or even a test maintenance application to ensure the quality of the plants used in the study.